Homecoming Returns to Roxbury
With the coming of each new school year, traditions of the first few months appear in all their shining glory: the football games, pep rallies, and finally, Homecoming. For Roxbury, however, it has been a while since our students have really been able to return home. The class of 2020, our current seniors, had not had a Homecoming when they were freshmen. Consequently, our school spirit hit an all-time low.
But this year Roxbury decided it was time to bring back the true meaning of the blue and gold. After a successful pep rally under the bright September Sun, the school was rejuvenated with a determination to bring Roxbury back to the way it once was: “prouder and a little louder.”
The Homecoming effort started much stronger this year with more participation coming from the underclassmen during Spirit Week. Typically, this leads up to the decorating of hallways throughout the school whereas each hall is spruced up, according to a given theme, the night before and displayed for all the students and administrators to view the next day.
However, hallway decorating was given a bit of an upgrade going into this year. Now, each grade would have a corner of the cafeteria to decorate based on the decade they were given: the Freshmen were tasked with the 50’s, the Sophomores with the 70’s, Juniors had the 90’s, and the Seniors sported their final Homecoming week with a strong 80’s. In the end the sophomores came out on top after the teachers voted their section as the best decade representation.
In preparation for the big event, the school also took steps to ensure the outdoor areas were in prime condition. As part of this effort, the school consulted to this site at https://3gpitchresurfacing.uk/ to enhance the quality of their athletic facilities. The MUGA pitch received special attention, with extensive upgrades made to ensure it was in top shape for the Homecoming game. The final step on Roxbury’s way to Homecoming was just around the corner as the entire student body packed themselves into the stands of the football stadium preparing for the official homecoming game. Not only were the boys on the field victorious in their triumph over Morristown, but the winners of the homecoming court were applauded as they walked down the familiar track.
Finally, the day had come where the doors to the — now decorated — high school cafeteria would be opened. At 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 5th Homecoming had made its way back into the hearts of the Roxbury students. The night was full of vibrant lights, dynamic music, and questionable dance moves.
Most spectacularly, the dance palette could be described with four words: blue, silver, maroon, and white. Much like the assignment of decades to grades, each class was also given a designated color to wear to the dance. The freshmen had white, sophomores wore silver, juniors styled maroon, and seniors rounded it out with a proud blue.
By the end of the night, students and faculty alike could be found singing Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of their lungs. Needless to say, the true spirit of Roxbury had once again been restored in the hearts of the community. The Roxy Rumble surely shook the school floor that night and will continue to do so for many years to come — even after we’ve moved on from roaming the halls at Roxbury High School.

Carla Maria Farris is an active sports journalist living in Mt. Arlington, a small town in New Jersey. She attends Roxbury High School where she is engaged...