Welcome to the Roxbury Recap, where we keep you in the loop with all things Roxbury!
- Luna, a certified therapy dog from Bright and Beautiful was here on Thursday, January 23, and Wednesday, January 29.
Roxbury’s very own Anuj Vyas won Student of The Week by the Bergen Record. Congratulations Anuj! Thank you to everyone who voted for him. You can read the full article HERE.
- School Counseling Appreciation Week is from February 3rd to the 7th. Participate to win Gael Cup points and celebrate School Counselors!
- Monday: PJ Day– My counselor helps me dream big
- Tuesday: College Gear Day– From Crayons to College
- Wednesday: Athletics/Workout Wear Day– Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
- Thursday: Twin Day– Counselors won’t leave your side
- Friday: Jersey Day– Your counselor is on your team
- The AP & Elective Fair is on Wednesday, February 5th.
Congratulations to our very own James Stewart for his AP Research presentation to the Directors of Special Services in Morris County. Directors from all over the county were so impressed by his presentation and research!
Congratulations to Ivanys Cardona, who was selected to participate in a service trip to Honduras by TEEEM (The Empathy Equality Entrepreneurship Mission) with a full scholarship! This competitive opportunity was presented to Ivy through the Contemporary World Issues course and the TEEEM Leadership Symposium she attended in the Fall. Mrs. Hamade recommended Ivy as a participant on this trip where Ivy will join 9 other students in building a community center for senior citizens in Choloma, Honduras during Spring Break. We are very proud of Ivy as she will represent Roxbury High School and our greater community on this invaluable experience.
- There will be a Rox-THON assembly on Friday, February 7th.
- The Roxbury Review is looking for new contributors. Look around the building for the various posters, or join the Google Classroom with this code: 7mm4ltu
- (1/28) vs. Sparta L
- (2/1) vs. Morristown-Beard, Morris County Tournament
- (1/28) @ Montville L
- (2/1) vs. Dover, Morris County Tournament
- (1/30) vs. Newton W
- (2/1) @ Parsippany Hills
- (1/29) @ Mendham L
- (1/30) @ Jefferson
- Shayne Spiteri won the Morris County Championship in 55 meters and 300 meters
- Marie Torode won the Morris County Championship in the shot put
- Hayle Greene set the school record for 600 meters
- Shawn Keenan broke his school record in the pole vault
- (1/31) Nationals Showcase @ Roxbury
- (1/17) vs. Dover W
- (1/28) @ Kinnelon L
- (1/30) vs. Morris Tech W
- Daily Records Player of the Week – Gianna Capriglione (Girls Basketball)
- Athlete of the Week – Alexandra Perez (Wrestling), and Charles Bacinsky (Wrestling)
- This past Saturday (1/25) Roxbury’s indoor color guard team performed their show “Bad to the Bone” for the first time at West Orange! The color guard placed 2nd in the Scholastic Regional A division, with a score of 60.16! Congratulations color guard!
- The Spring Play has been Announced! Roxbury’s theater program will put on their very own production of “Little Shop of Horrors!” Performances are happening on 2/27 and 2/28 at 7 PM, and twice on 3/1 at 2 PM and 7 PM. You can purchase tickets here.
Spanish Club Schedule:
- 2/12
- 3/12
- 4/19
- 5/14
The club’s purpose is to appreciate the culture of the Spanish-speaking world and encourage as many people as possible in Roxbury High School to participate. There will be more meetings. Email Kevin Cantwell and Maria Jose Navarro for any further questions or more information.
- Every week, the Ski Club goes down to Mountain Creek after school
- 2/03 (last date)
- The Equal Rights Advocacy Club hosted a meeting in M213 after school on Tuesday (1/28). They gave a mini Know Your Rights lesson and discussed new executive orders signed by the new presidential administration. They also made Red Cards in both English and Spanish.
- There will be a Rox-THON assembly on February 7th.
Student of the Week: Madelynn Anderson (Grade 11)
Our 1/27 Student of the Week is Madelynn Anderson! Madelynn is a Junior at Roxbury High School. She is a proud member of the National Honor Society here at RHS. Madelynn is a very hard-working Student and a great team player. Madelynn is also committed to the University of Connecticut to continue academics and play Division 1 soccer. Go, Maddy! Congratulations, Madelynn Anderson, our Student of the Week for January 27th!
“I have taught Maddy for two years now and I can honestly say she is one of the most hardworking people I have ever had the sheer pleasure of teaching. Maddy wants to learn, wants to do well and has one of the kindest hearts I’ve experienced. Maddy is an amazing friend, athlete and scholar. She is also an exemplary member of the National Honor Society who upholds the 4 pillars (scholarship, service, leadership and character) perfectly.”- Spanish teacher, Mrs. Lisa
“When I think of Madelynn, the word “exemplar” comes to mind! Madelynn is incredibly hard-working, and her work is nothing short of exemplary! I have actually asked Madelynn to share samples of her work to better guide future AP Literature students. Madelynn also has excellent time management skills as she effortlessly balances a demanding sports schedule with some of the highest-level courses our school offers.”- English teacher, Mrs. Schmidt
Congratulations to Madelynn Anderson, our 1/27 Student of the Week!
Do you have a teacher or student that you would like to nominate? DM your nominations to the Roxbury Review Instagram @roxburyreview.
That’s a wrap on the Roxbury Recap, where we keep you in the loop of all the latest Roxbury news!
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