The More Meaningful Side Of Roxbury Hockey

“Hockey is a unique sport in the sense that you need each and every guy helping each other and pulling in the same direction to be successful.” -Wayne Gretzky

Goal! Roxbury hockey season has come to an end but the excitement sure hasn’t! The season started in late November and ended Saturday, February 19th, 2022. Roxbury Varsity Ice Hockey had a 1-13-3 record this season. Due to the challenges this season has brought; the team has grown closer together as a result.                                                                            

Photo Credits: Andrew Kosinski

The team fought hard at their home SportsCare Arena this past season. However, they have not found the success they had aimed for. “This season hasn’t gone the way we had hoped,” Nicholas Bombersbach, a senior who plays right wing on the varsity hockey team, says. 

Although the team has not won many games, that’s not the most important part of hockey. “One thing my teammates and I can agree on is that success is not defined by wins. What truly matters the most is the experience we are getting and that we are better than we were the game prior.” Michael Guadagnino, a freshman who plays goalie on the varsity team expresses that the close friendship of the team outweighs the team’s statistics.

When one player scores a goal, the excitement is contagious. Whether that is the fans celebrating in the stands or the team itself celebrating with a group hug on the ice with big smiles. It’s moments like these that mean the most in the game. 

Even though the season hasn’t gone in the direction the Gaels wanted, having a love for the game is what keeps these players going. “What motivates me personally to keep playing is realizing that it’s just a game and one day it will be all over. Being able to cherish the game for what it is, is what is most important to me,” Michael Guadagnino says. 

Another great thing about pushing yourself to continue to play even when things aren’t going your way is improving. “I continue to play because even though our team is struggling, we can keep improving and you can also work on improving yourself,” an anonymous player states. 

Hockey is a sport that involves a lot of teamwork, as many high school sports do. Team bonding is a huge part of success. Though Roxbury has had its struggles this season on the ice, the team believes they have what is most important already figured out: a team bond. 

“I think our team bonds very well.  Sometimes when a team struggles together, they grow closer as a result,” Coach Johnathan Benbow says. This is common in many sports, but even more so when it comes to hockey. 

The team practices almost every day of the week and plays 2-3 games a week. That’s plenty of time being spent together, getting to know everyone’s strengths and weaknesses. 

Not only is it a struggle on the ice, but off the ice also. The Coronavirus and its many new variants spreading like wildfire have impacted the season as well. “We have had several players throughout the season that had to quarantine,” Coach Benbow says. 

With players constantly on and off the ice due to quarantine and illness, it’s hard to plan ahead and it is a hard transition to make. Learning how to work with everyone on the team makes this adaptation slightly easier. The Gaels continue to push through those struggles and grow closer together. 

As stated before, the scores are not what defines the team, it’s the way the team works together that does. Even if the season has had its struggles, at least the Roxbury Gaels have what they can control, under control. “We do bond well. We’ve become a mini family,” Nicholas Bomersbach says. 

Photo Credits: Andrew Kosinski

Hockey is an exciting sport, but it doesn’t seem to bring as many viewers or fans into the stands as football or basketball. “People have to go to the rink instead of it being at school,” an anonymous player from the team states.  These players work hard and should get the recognition they deserve! Even though the season has come to an end, there is always next year! So dress warm and bring some friends and go enjoy the game! Make sure to cheer extra loud for these amazing players! Go Gaels!