How Will COVID-19 Mandates Impact the Holiday Season?

On November 17, Governor Murphy decreased the indoor gathering limit from 25 people to only 10. Since this mandate was made so close to Thanksgiving, Murphy faced a lot of backlash. Despite the controversy, many agree that this reduced number would be a key component of preventing the spread of COVID-19 during the Holiday Season. Many feel that he implemented this mandate specifically to limit Thanksgiving celebrations and others believe he did it because the entire Holiday season is approaching. I interviewed several people to get different perspectives on this topic. I also set up polls on our Instagram @RoxburyReview. On our Instagram story, I presented the question “Do you think this mandate was implemented specifically for Thanksgiving?”, 55% said yes.

When asked how they feel about the 10 person cap on indoor gatherings, I got a very intriguing variety of results. The younger participants all agreed with his reduction of indoor gatherings.  One quote from a participant was, “I work in retail and the amount of people I have to yell at to keep their masks on I know people aren’t listening. If people aren’t willing to wear masks in public they aren’t going to be smart on their own.” As someone who works in retail, this participant explained that people aren’t listening to mandates already in place so why would she expect others to make smart decisions on their own?  Another quote from an interview was, “Now isn’t the time to gather with more than 10 people considering the risks. You don’t need that many people to have a good time.” This participant explained that staying safe is more important than having fun, and realistically there is nothing stopping you from having fun in a small group. Some participants felt more reluctant about this. They understood why it was done but feel it isn’t perfect. One of these participants stated, “I think people should be allowed to use their judgment, but unfortunately some people don’t care about others so I understand, to a degree, the need to put something in place.” So despite feeling that the governor may have been overstepping boundaries, they understood why it was done.

Another question I asked was, “Do you think people will follow this mandate?” I also made this a question on a poll on Instagram, the results for this question were not as mixed. 76% of people on the poll voted that people will not follow this mandate. During my interviews, the results were the same. 

When asked if they think a second shutdown is impending based on this strict mandate many of the individuals that I interviewed said yes. One participant stated, “I hope another lockdown is coming. We have more cases now than in March and we’re acting less worried now than in March.”  In March, New Jersey entered a shutdown and as of writing this article, we have more cases than we have ever seen before. Even those who were less enthusiastic about the 10 person limit agreed that they foresee a shutdown in the near future.

My final question during the interviews was what they felt we can do as a whole or as individuals to help stop the spread or to stop strict mandates. Many called for personal accountability and following rules. They believe that, while we may not agree with rules that are put in place, they are put in place for a reason and should be obeyed. One participant felt that mandatory vaccinations will help stop the spread of the virus. This mandate is not ordered yet, but it may be considered in the future. Another participant called for a nation-wide shutdown or national mandates, because some states have been doing less than others. One interviewee is quoted saying, “ I had a customer this weekend where one of them did not have a mask on and when I told him to put his mask on he said ‘I’m from Pennsylvania We don’t do that.’  As an individual, people should care more about others. Even though you may not be worried about yourself you should be worried about others. We need to be more considerate.” This participant along with many others feels that the best thing we can do is be more considerate because, even though we may not be at risk, others are. We should do our best to protect those who are at risk. Another participant in the interviews had the following advice, “Keep your circles small and make sure you are hanging out with people who are also being smart. Get tested frequently. Self isolate if you feel you may have been exposed. Remember that false negatives/positives are possible. Wear a mask.” Everyone else I interviewed agreed and chalked it up to personal accountability.

As seen above, the reactions to the 10 person limit on indoor gatherings is mixed but overall accepted. While many will not follow this mandate and may not follow others it is important to improve our individual accountability. We are all in this together and being considerate of others will help shorten the pandemic. We may not agree with every decision made by our government but it is important to understand that they are doing what they think is best for our health.

Interview Responses

How do you feel about the 10 person cap on indoor gatherings? 

“It is a good idea to reduce the Coronavirus crisis.”

“I think it is smart because the cases are going up and I work in retail and the amount of people I have to yell at to keep their masks on I know people aren’t listening. If people aren’t willing to wear masks in public they aren’t going to be smart on their own.”

“I think it’s a smart idea. Now isn’t the time to gather with more than 10 people considering the risks. You don’t need that many people to have a good time.” 

“I have mixed emotions. I want to be with my family for Christmas, but I understand that it is smart to limit since the numbers are going up.”

“I think people should be allowed to use their judgement, but unfortunately some people don’t care about others so I understand to a degree, the need to put something in place.”

“I think it is smart to limit unnecessary contact”


Do you think people will follow this mandate?


“No. I don’t think anyone will. The only thing I think will help is another lockdown.”

“No, absolutely not. People can’t even bother to put on a mask.”

“I think some will and some will not.”

“No, most people will not.”

“I would hope people would, but realistically I do not think everyone will.”


 Do you think a second shutdown is coming based on this new strict mandate?

“Yes, because people haven’t been following directions.”

“I hope another lockdown is coming. We have more cases now than in March and we’re acting less worried now than in March.” 

“Yes, I do.”

“I think, unfortunately, it is coming.”


“Most likely. If people ignore the rules, then definitely.”


 What else do you think we can do to prevent more mandates as strict as this or just stop the spread? (As a whole of as individuals)

“Mandatory vaccinations.”

“As a whole, we should lockdown again in the entire country, leaving it to the states to do [so] has been proven to fail. I had a customer this weekend where one of them did not have a mask on and when I told him to put his mask on he said “I’m from Pennsylvania We don’t do that.”  As an individual, people should care more about others. Even though you may not be worried about yourself you should be worried about others. We need to be more considerate. Our curve went right back up.”

“Keep your circles small and make sure you are hanging out with people who are also being smart. Get tested frequently. Self isolate if you feel you may have been exposed. Remember that false negatives/positives are possible. Wear a mask.”

“Wear your masks, wash your hands, and social distance.”

“Be responsible.”

“Start taking it seriously, wear your masks, social distance, and avoid unnecessary large gatherings.”
