How to Make a Grilled Cheese

Photo courtesy of Parker Feierbach.

Brenan Meta and Mariah Rimas

Have you ever wondered how to make the perfect grilled cheese? Roxbury’s very own Brenan Meta and Mariah Rimas have the answer!

 You’ll Need:

  1. Butter
  2. 2 slices of American cheese
  3. 2 slices of bread

How to Make a Grilled Cheese: 

  1. Heat the stove to medium heat.
  2. Spread 1 tablespoon of butter on one side of each slice of bread.
  3. Place 1 slice of cheese on the non-buttered side of each slide of bread.
  4. Add butter to a nonstick pan. Once the butter is melted, add your two slices of bread with cheese to the pan.
  5. Once the cheese is melted and the bread is a golden brown, flip one piece of bread on top of the other and continue to cook for another 30 seconds. 
  6. Finally, plate your grilled cheese and enjoy!