OJ Simpson, better known as “The Juice” was one of the most well-known athletes across the nation. Heisman Trophy recipient in his senior year of college football at the University of Southern California and the first NFL player in history to rush for more than 2,000 yards during his 1973 season, where he also received the MVP award. However, this all-American athlete and hero was quickly shoved into the spotlight for different reasons following the brutal 1994 murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. America’s hyper-fixation with the iconic football player has been present throughout his whole career and still today. So what makes him such a distinctive part of our culture?

He is recognized as one of the best running backs in NFL history, breaking records and all-around a key player on the field. On top of being a fantastic player, he was also on TV in American households for other reasons. Simpson starred in more than 16 movies throughout his career. However, his most iconic appearance was in the Hertz commercials as he raced through the airports. He also later became a sportscaster.

However, Simpson quickly went from Hall of Fame legend to murder suspect following the events of June 12th, 1994 when Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman were found stabbed at Brown’s estate in Brentwood, California. Simpson’s blood was found at the scene, alongside shoe prints that matched a pair he owned. To further evidence a bloody glove, as well as a cap that had Simpsons hair follicles on it, was also found at the scene. There was only one glove found at the crime scene, the matching one was found in the back of Simpson’s estate.
Following the days of the murder, Simpson was made a prime suspect in the case. It was once a warrant was set out for his arrest, however, that the now-infamous car chase took place on the 405 highway at 30 miles an hour. The 90-minute chase was watched by over 95 million Americans, taking over every screen in the states. Even the NBA finals were shrunk down to the corner of the screen as the screens instead displayed the white Ford Bronco driven by AC Cowlings, a good friend of Simpson’s.

Thousands of people lined up on the sides of the highway, on overpasses, and outside of Simpson’s estate to cheer him on. Signs were made in support of Simpson and claps and cheers erupted as he passed. “The Juice Is On The Loose” took on a whole different meaning that day. During the time, Simpson was on the phone with police with a gun to his head threatening to take his own life.
Simpson eventually surrendered to police and was placed under arrest for the murder of his ex-wife and her friend. The search for jurors began in November of 1994 and then the trial officially started on January 24, 1995, with opening statements.
The People V. OJ Simpson had begun and all of America was watching. Cameras were granted access to the courtroom, following the decision made by Judge Lance Ito. The prosecution team from the Los Angeles district attorney’s office was led by Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden. Simpson’s defense team was led by Robert Shapiro,

Photo Courtesy of ABC News
a well-known “celebrity” lawyer in the 90s. The rest of the team included Johnnie Cochran, F. Lee Bailey, Alan Dershowitz, Robert Kardashian, Shawn Holley, Carl E. Douglas, and Gerald Uelmen.
On October 3, 1995, the jury came to a verdict. Simpson was found not guilty of the crime of murder. Americans all over the country had mixed reactions. Some were extremely happy with the verdict, believing that Simpson had been framed by the LAPD and unfairly treated. However, others believed that the courts had just allowed a murderer to walk free. Clark told The Hollywood Reporter that, after the verdict was read, her reaction was “physically painful. That was not justice.”
But there was so much evidence that pointed at Simpson, from the DNA to the timeline of events, to the cut on his fingers consistent with the ones the police theorized the killer would have, how was he acquitted? Well, as Cochran put it best “If the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit.”
Simpson was an American hero, but did he get away with murder because of that? A look into the circumstances surrounding the case, the defense arguments, Simpson’s celebrity status, and America’s hyperfixation with the case can help answer that question.
The circumstances that surrounded Simpson’s trial dealt largely with the state between police and the Black community during the 90s. Two years prior to Simpson’s arrest, in April and May of 1992, LA became a battleground for a series of violent riots and civil disturbances following the Rodney King trial. Kind was beaten by four LAPD officers in 1991.

A bystander filmed the assault, and the video was later broadcast at the national level. In 1992, the officers were acquitted of all charges. According to the Nation Civil Rights Museum, this verdict and the other factors including systemic racism and economic inequality led to the uprising in LA.
Essentially, this built up tension between the Black community and the police helped Simpson in his defense during the trial. Especially, since the detective who found key pieces of evidence and was one of the first to arrive on the scene was a racist. Officer Mark Fuhrman, best known for recovering the blood glove at Simpson’s estate, was caught in interview tapes using disturbing and racist language.
Adding to this, in 1985, Fuhrman responded to a domestic violence call involving Simpson and Brown in 1985. This later led to Simpson’s arrest for spousal abuse in 1989.

Photo Courtesy of Los Angeles Times.
On top of that, it was discovered that around 1982, Fuhrman attempted to leave the police force permanently and receive a stress disability pension. He claimed that he had tortured suspects, including choking, breaking bones, and beating suspects. He also claimed to have conned detectives in the same psychiatric interview. He ultimately ended up not qualifying or winning his case and returned to active police work.
When this was discovered, it infuriated people. Everything that Fuhrman had said on the witness stand was now deemed not credible. This swayed jurors. After learning this information, Simpson’s defense team was able to start by creating their story: Simpson was framed by the LAPD and it was an attempt to put another innocent Black man behind bars.
The defense claimed that the LAPD had planted evidence to make Simpson look guilty. The bloody glove, they argued, was planted by Fuhrman because he was out to get the Black community and wanted Simpson arrested and put behind bars. This theory was never proven, and Fuhrman has never changed his story about where or how he found the glove behind Simpson’s estate.
The planting of evidence theory was the defense’s main argument. Barry Scheck was the defense attorney who truly gave life to this theory and made the claims. The defense alleged that the police department had used known blood samples from Simpson and Brown to plant believable evidence at the crime scene. DNA tests showed that O.J. Simpson’s blood was found on the gate and Brown’s blood was found on the socks. EDTA, a blood preservative used by police departments, was also found in some blood samples from the O.J. Simpson trial.

Once the defense was able to plant doubt into the minds of the jury with racial motivations and the planting of evidence, they created reasonable doubt. If the jury believes the defense has created reasonable doubt, which means there is insufficient evidence to convict a defendant of a crime, then they are unable to find them guilty. This is what occurred in Simpson’s case.
As aforementioned, this whole case has encapsulated the American public. Everyone had eyes on their TV screens as the trial played out. Millions watched the verdict be read. So what made this case so special? Well, it had everything that the public could have asked for. It involved a high-profile celebrity, race, rage, and a gruesome double homicide, sadly all of this became America’s number one form of entertainment. America’s hyperfixation with OJ Simpson has now lasted for decades.
The case today still technically remains unsolved, no arrest was ever made following Simpson’s trial. However, following the criminal court ruling, the Goldman family and Brown family took Simpson to civil court where they won their wrongful death suit case. Simpson lost this one and was convicted by a jury of committing the crime. He was instructed to pay 33.5 million dollars to the families. The victims’ families, however, have not seen any of this money. In fact, following his acquittal in the criminal trial, Simpson reportedly threw a party at his Rockingham estate to celebrate.

However, shortly after being acquitted in the criminal trial in 1995, Simpson’s former sports agent, Mike Gilbert, claims Simpson confessed to the murders one night by his pool at Rockingham. Allegedly, Gilbert asked Simpson to truthfully tell him what happened that night, reportedly Simpson claimed that “if Nicole hadn’t come to the door with a knife, she would still be alive.”
In 2007, Simpson published a book titled “If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer” in which Simpson, accounts the night as a hypothetical description of the double murder. The ghostwriter of the novel, Pablo Fenjves claims that the book is based on his interviews and extensive discussions with Simpson.
In April of 2024, Simpson passed away at age 76 after a battle with prostate cancer. Simpson never formally confessed to the murders and claimed he was innocent and loved his ex-wife publicly until the very end.
As stated before, the case remains unsolved. The murder weapon was never found. This case engulfed all Americans’ daily lives in the mid-90s and continues to do so today. Dozens of documentaries, podcasts, books, and movies have been made about the murder and trial. The case truly puts on display how drawn Americans are to dividing issues and tragedy.

No other time in history has America seen something quite like the Simpson trial. The story truly changed Americans’ perspectives of our courts and what is considered justice, how the media covers court trials as well as how celebrity status can play a role in a person’s prosecution.
Although the verdict and overall controversial issues surrounding the case will continue to play a huge role in the media’s coverage of the case, it is important to remember that two families lost loved ones. The public should remain respectful and empathetic towards those families, who are still grieving the loss of their loved ones.
The National Domestic Abuse Violence Hotline number is 800-799-7233.