RHS Students’ Favorite Vacation Spots
Summer is a great time of year that everyone looks forward to. Whether it’s spending time with family and friends, traveling, or getting time away from school, the summer is filled with unforgettable memories. It is a favorite season of many. Most importantly, in the summer many people travel. They go to islands, beaches, other countries, see family members, and much more. Research Scottsdale hotels to find accommodations that are suitable to your vacation needs.
RHS students have been asked what their favorite vacation spot is in the summer. The majority of people in RHS have said that they like to stay in New Jersey and go down the shore. Wildwood and Cape May were popular local answers here in Roxbury High School, while some people traveled out of the country.
A student who mentioned how Wildwood was their favorite spot said, “I go with my family all the time and my dad would go when he was a kid so he loves to bring us to all his favorite spots as a kid, and it’s an easy vacation since it’s in New Jersey.”
Another student that said how Wildwood was their favorite stated, “I go every year with my family and it is fun. I like going to the boardwalk and also driving up to Cape May while we are there and shopping. I like waking up early to go on the speedboat to whale watch. Also, the huge size of the boardwalk really makes it a good time.”
A student here at RHS responded by saying, “I like to stay a bit local when I go on vacation, that’s why I like to take a trip to Cape May! I love going to the beach there. It’s so relaxing. The local shops and diners are my favorite places to visit when I’m down there.”
Freshman Camille Costa explained how the lake is her favorite spot to go to in the summer. She explained, “I like going to the lake. When I go to the lake my whole family goes and we stay there until dark. We do a lot of stuff. My dad has a boat so we just hang out and it’s really fun.”
Natalie Rugel, who is also a freshman, told me, “Definitely Aruba is my favorite spot. We went to the beach a lot, went out for dinner often, and got to feed flamingos.”
Also, many people stated how they travel to Florida in the summer. This is a popular vacation spot among Roxbury High School students. They mentioned how they go to Walt Disney World, beaches, Universal Studios, and much more activities and places. They said how it is a fun place to be in the summer with your friends and family. Florida is a very popular vacation spot having so much to do for everyone, so it is not uncommon how a lot of people travel there during the summer.
During the questioning of the students at RHS, the one common thing that was noticed was all the memories that the students made with their families whether they stayed in New Jersey or out of the country. They will have memories that will last a lifetime. As we approach the end of the school year, enjoy the outdoors whether it will be a beach, pool, lake, or even a park. Make the most of your summer by having good times to look back on with your family and friends. Make it a summer to remember!

Sophia Chirico is a freshman at Roxbury High School whose goal is to become a professional creative writer. Sophia has always enjoyed writing ever...