Powderpuff Pushed Back Due to COVID-19 Concerns
For the first time in five years, Roxbury High School planned to bring back its annual Powderpuff game. Sadly, On November 23, 2020, Powder Puff was sadly canceled last minute—the day before the game—due to the school shutdown. With Thanksgiving around the corner and numerous cases pilling up, it was the safest decision for the game to be canceled. Because, of the last-minute decision, only 88% of students knew the day before and 12% knew the morning of. I’ve reached out to numerous students who were a part of it, and they have reassured us that there will be a rescheduled date. The students of Roxbury High School are determined to play, and we can’t wait to watch the game unfold!
What is Powderpuff?
The concept of powderpuff football originates back to 1972. Here’s the premise: the girls take the position of football players on the field while boys become the cheerleaders. Students and players also volunteer to coach both teams. The teams are normally juniors versus seniors to see which grade is the most competitive. This isn’t your average tackle football game, though. They will be playing flag football. There will be nine girls on the field at a time. The team on the offensive side will start the game off with a kick, which then will be caught or not caught by the kick returner. If a player pulls the flag off another with the ball, it will be handed to the now-offensive player who pulled the flag. The game will consist of two 20 minute periods and will include a halftime. During halftime, the cheerleaders will give a performance for all to watch their amazing moves. Once the game is done and the winner is appointed, they’ll get bragging rights for the rest of the year.
I conducted a survey to see how the Roxbury community believes each team will perform. As of right now, the seniors have a 59% lead in the polls over the juniors’ 41%. Senior Lucas Spitzer proclaimed, “The seniors were ready to play and will be even more prepared by the time the game is played this Spring. Seniors > Juniors.”
Final Thoughts
The game is now planned for the spring, just in time for the nice weather to roll around. Just before the original game date, Many of the students were forced to quarantine, which wouldn’t have allowed everyone to play in the game. Everything happens for a reason and this shows it. Some students still believe that the game should have been held. For example junior Alex Poissant stated, “I feel that there was not a need to since the game was to be held outdoors.” During this time it’s especially hard for the seniors because, since this is their last year at Roxbury High School, it is heartbreaking for one of the most important events to be canceled. Luckily, we have Mrs. Heddy to thank for fighting and making sure the juniors and seniors will have a game to play… whether it be a warm day in December or in the spring!
Nevertheless, the seniors and juniors have exerted themselves practicing every week for one of the most exciting events of their high school years. The students are keeping an open mind and are ready for the game later on in the school year. When reading student’s responses they proclaimed that they’ll be even more ready, and for the opposing teams to watch out! With all the struggles COVID-19 has pushed towards Roxbury’s way, the students aren’t going to let that take away this event. I know everyone will be excited about the outcome of the game in the spring after the long-awaited wait. We all look forward to this exciting event!

Delaney Scalera is an ambitious future TV talk show host. She is currently a Junior here at Roxbury High School. Her motto is to always stay truthful in...