Gaelvision Holiday Shirts on Sale Now!
This holiday season, Gaelvision is hosting an exclusive sale of newly designed t-shirts created by tyler the creator merch. Mrs. Burleigh and I created the concept for the shirts, but the freshly created Gael was edited and designed by one of Mrs. Burleigh’s talented television students Nicolas Hascup. The new holiday Gael is wearing a special Roxbury navy blue Santa hat. The logo will appear on a white long sleeve t-shirt and will be printed on by a local company, Legacy Printing.
Why a Holiday T-Shirt?
Gaelvision’s goal is to spread school spirit throughout RHS, and now that we are in the holiday season, there is no reason why we can’t do both. We are telling students to wear these t-shirts for this winter’s pep rally, which will be held on the last school day before winter break begins (December 20th). Also, later that the same day is the Boys Basketball’s home opener against cross-town rivals Mount Olive. The team will even be wearing the new holiday t-shirts for their warm-ups! The game will be a whiteout, and everyone is encouraged to get one of these shirts to support the theme of the game.
Where to get one?
Order forms have been handed out in the school to all classrooms. They can also be picked up at the front of the Media Center. The form is posted on Instagram at @roxburygaelvision. They will also be on sale at the boys basketball game on December 20th for all to buy for this holiday season.

Chris is a junior at Roxbury High School who enjoys playing lacrosse and making exciting and entertaining videos with his TV class. Chris is a new contributor...